Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 17: 4/15

After not being able to sleep until so late last night, I opted not to get up for my running class. I knew that I would have to choose between taking a nap and going to my 2pm class if I did.

I went back to sleep, not giving much thought to how long I would sleep and didn't wake up until noon! So much for getting on a good schedule. So frustrating!

I had breakfast and a cup of coffee and made a campsite reservation, which took MUCH longer than I anticipated. I was on hold for a very long time, and when I finally got off the phone my class had already started.

I decided to go for a run to make up for missing my running class this morning. I ran 3.5 miles and got home just in time to shower and get to the coffee shop where I was meeting my documentary group to do some planning.

I had a UFO meeting from 7-9 and then came home. I talked to Robert on the phone and watched the latest episode of Lost. It's midnight now and I'm not feeling very sleepy.

I just had a glass of wine and am in bed trying to relax. Have to get up at 7.

  • up at noon
  • 3 cups of coffee, last around 5
  • ran outside in the afternoon (sunny out)
  • wine around 11
  • tried to sleep around midnight

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