After class I went home and watched a documentary for my History of the Motion Picture class. I took a nap from about 11:30 to 2:30 and was a few minutes late for my 3pm class. Afterwards I got coffee and lunch at the library cafe and made some phone calls.
I had a meeting from about 5-6:30, then came home. I had a couple glasses of wine and chatted with a friend online, then watched TV with one of my roommates for a little while.
I retreated to my room around 9:30 feeling pretty tired. I talked to Robert on Skype briefly, then watched a few videos, hoping I would fall asleep quickly, but couldn't relax.
I started packing for my trip to Portland, did some laundry, and took a shower.
- up around 7:15
- napped for about 3 hours
- 3 cups of coffee, last around 4:30
- 1 glass of iced tea around 5
- 2 glasses of wine around 7
- tried to sleep around 2
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